Monday, May 28, 2007

Northern Gardening

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how fast things grow here in the North. While we have a much shorter growing season than in Southern Canada, the fact that we have more hours of sunlight makes up for it. Take a look at these three photos from my garden, each taken 24 hours apart.

As you might guess, much of my week-end was spent in the garden. I've neglected the beds for the last couple of years, so it's taking a lot of work to bring them back. Still lots more to do, but at least some of them now are happier with all the peat, loam and manure I gave them.

On another not-so-happy topic, we are still watching for some sign of improvement from my sister-in-law Susan. She's been in intensive care for the last few weeks after mixing bathroom cleaners. It affected her body similar to the way mustard gas would. She's still on full life support and they've moved her to another hospital where I guess they have more expertise in this kind of thing. They were hesitant to move her before because they were concerned she wouldn't survive the ambulance ride, but she seems to have done OK. Roy tells me that as far as they know, there's been no brain damage and the upper part of her lungs seems clear (lower lungs have some sort of fluid in them), but her recovery will be slow and could be complicated. I need everyone to send her positive thoughts and prayers.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Must Be Spring

Finally, the leaves have shown themselves, and wildflowers are starting to pop up. People's moods are rising in corresponding rhythm. I even wore a skirt and sandals to work for the first time in months today...all sure signs of spring.

Last night was a garden night. Since I thought we were going to be doing some major landscaping this spring in the back yard, I had neglected it. But now that I've gotten my head around the fact that it's not going to happen this year (the money was needed for the N.S. house instead) I am doing what I can to play catch up. Last evening was spent digging around and fertilizing some of my perennials, and planting some raspberry bushes. Joe began on the annuals. Tonight fresh dirt, compost and manure goes into a bed that will be used for the lettuce, various other greens, herbs and whatever else I can fit in there. And the rhubarb is just days away from being turned into pies! Yum!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Show Must Go On

Yesterday morning, Iris woke up early to discover she had some kind of stomach bug. She was violently ill all day. The big problem was that it was opening night for her at the Frantic Follies. I was sure she would have to call in sick...she hardly had the strength to walk let alone dance and sing.

She somehow mustered the energy to get dressed and I drove her off to the show. I was still convinced that once there, she wouldn't be able to perform. There was just no way. But a couple of hours later, as Joe, Jamie and I sat in the audience, there she was....smiling, kicking up her heels in the cancan, flirting with Percy Brown in the Ballad of the Ice-Worm Cocktail, playing the banjo and the saw and the clarinet in various numbers....I couldn't believe my eyes. You would never know there was anything wrong with her.

After the show, she smiled and chatted with people who were congratulating her on a job well done, but then made her way to the back of the room where I was waiting for her and practically collapsed in my arms. She asked to be taken home right away (we didn't stay for the post-show reception).

The evening made me look at Iris in a bit of a different light. I tend to worry about her alot, because she often doesn't seem very grounded. But watching how she conducted herself last night, I am in awe of her inner strength and stamina. I think she's going to be just fine.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Welcome.... my new blogging digs. It will take me a while to find my way around here, so please be patient with me. But I must say it's nice to be back on-line.