Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Than Ready

I'm taking a week and a half of holidays starting tomorrow and I couldn't be more ready. I don't recall work ever being as busy for such a prolonged period of time. Of course it will pile up while I'm away from the office, but that's OK. After the break I'll be able to cope with it all a bit better.

The exciting news is that my friend Lucca is coming for a visit! We haven't made any real plans: next week I'll have dance rehearsals every night so we won't be able to get out of town. But it's enough for me just to sit with her over multiple cups of tea or glasses of wine and catch up. There is something very grounding about being around life-long friends; there is a rich depth of understanding that can be the most comforting and comfortable thing in the world.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Good Day

It has been a good day all round. For the first time this year, I've been able to work outside without a jacket. I even dug around in my garden a bit. Yes, there's still snow covering about 80 percent of the gardens, but it has cleared enough for me to see that the perennial flowers are starting to come up, as is my rhubarb.

It's also the first time this year we've used our barbeque. We're having a birthday celebration for Alan (he turns 21 on Tuesday). In fact, we're about ready to sit down to eat so I am going to have to cut this post short.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wife Swap

There's a show on TV called Wife Swap. It's one of the more ridiculous reality shows (not that they're not all pretty ridiculous!) that sees the wife/mother of one family changing places for a couple of weeks with the wife/mother of another family. Of course the producers choose people who are totally opposite of one another and sparks always fly over their divergent views and family values.

The other day I asked Iris and Jamie who they thought the producers would choose as my swap partner if I went on the show. Their answers were quite amusing. Jamie thought they'd select someone who was strongly pro-war, pro-confrontation and very aggressive. Iris figured it would be someone who would hate my nature table, ban my seasonal ceremonies and trash my prayer room. I think all my kids view me as an old hippie!

Now it's your turn. Who would Wife Swap swap with you?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Aiming for Lazy

Sunday...yeah! I have declared it a lazy day in our household - at least for me. Jamie has homework to do and then has to work this evening, Joe has gone ice fishing, and Iris is out and about with friends. For me the day will include little more than yoga, piano, reading, a bit of cooking and housework, and a trip downtown to pick up a book that I ordered a few weeks back. Oh, and maybe taking Iris for a driving lesson. Oops, I forgot I need to go get a photo taken at the dance studio. And then of course I'll have to take Jamie to and from work. Wait a minute...this isn't turning out to be such a lazy day after all!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You Know You've Got Too Much On Your Plate When...

I did an awful thing today. This morning one of my youngest students was scheduled to perform at the music festival. Before I left home, I made sure I had my schedule with me and I double checked the time he was to play...10:35.

Then I got into work and all hell broke lose. The next thing I knew it was after 12 noon and it struck me like a sniper's bullet that I had totally forgotten about my student. I felt sick to my stomach - how could I have done that?? He's just a little guy and he was so nervous about playing on the big nine foot piano at the Arts Centre.

Tonight I went over to his house to apologize and to give him a bit of an 'I'm sorry' present. He and his family were so gracious about the whole thing. They even gave me a gift for preparing three of them for festival. I felt very undeserving after the morning's events. On a positive note, his mom had captured his performance on video so I at least had a chance to watch it after the fact.

I have never done anything like this before and it is a wake-up call to me that I simply am trying to do too much. Work is too busy these days, my evenings are too full and it's time to slow down. Why is balance so hard to achieve?

By the way, when I went to the movie theatre today to buy some movie passes for my piano student, the man who served me had what appeared to be psoriasis all over his arms and hands, face and neck, and through his scalp. The poor man - think how painful and itchy that must be. I wanted to ask him if he'd ever seen a naturopath, since I suspect it might have to do with his diet and a naturopath might well be able to help him. But of course you can't just come out and say that to a stranger. I felt so sorry for him though. I've never seen such a severe case of it before. For the millionth time, I wished that I had the abilities of a healer. It's strange - I feel like I should be able to heal by touch and am puzzled when I can't. My friend Lucca would say that I've been a healer in another life, but who knows. It just seems unfair that in this life, I am unable to help people when they clearly need it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Blur

What a week! Not only has it been very busy at work, but the Rotary Music Festival started on Friday, so I've been preoccupied with that too. I had my first student play today...she did well in spite of the fact that she went away for a three week holiday and didn't touch the piano that whole time. She and her dad are playing a tango tomorrow in the duet category - I love it when piano becomes a family affair. I actually teach three members of this family...maybe next year I can find a piece for six hands that they can play together.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two Wayward Souls Come Home

Home sweet home. It was a very intense week but I learned a huge amount and I am bursting with ideas that I can't wait to apply. I've decided I quite liked going back to school. I like being around young adults - I think I feed off of their energy. And it was good to be near the ocean again. It makes my soul happy.

Iris is home again too. She looks great, although she says her body is falling apart. We'll set her up with some chiropractor, physio, and massage therapist appointments. She seems happier and more mature. Last night all three kids where here for a while. I looked at them and thought, "They're going to OK - all three of them." It was the nicest birthday present ever.