It's been an interesting 18 hours or so. Last night was Iris' second prom. Below are a couple of photos. All of us other than Iris left fairly early, Mom and Dad in hopes of getting a good night's sleep (something that has been rather lacking of late). However knowing that Iris was going to an after-grad party made me restless, and I kept waking up, wondering if she had gotten home yet. Thankfully she checked in, told me where she was and that one of the Dads would be driving her home shortly.
At 3 a.m. I heard two bangs, and some giggles. I thought it might be Iris coming home and got up to look. Instead, there was egg running down our big picture window in the livingroom. Joe, who wasn't sleeping either, got up with me and we took a drive around the neighbourhood, hoping to get a glimpse of whoever had done this. All we saw was an empty egg carton in the middle of the road.
We did come across two teen parties. At the first one, bare-chested adolescent boys were locked in a tight embrace on the front lawn. At first I thought they were having sex, but it turns out they were wrestling instead. The music was blaring, and a neighbour was out in his housecoat, yelling obscenities at them for disturbing his sleep.
After talking to the host of the party and being assured that no one from there had been egging houses, we came back home, pulled out the ladder, and by 3:30 were washing windows. By then the sun was coming up, so there was lots of light to see by. Then a police car zoomed by, headed for the party. No indeed, there was no lack of excitement on our street last night!
This morning I checked with the neighbours, and it appears we were the only ones egged, which means we were targetted. I will keep an eye out for anyone who might wander by our house today in hopes of seeing their handiwork.
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