Friday, February 29, 2008

Turning a Corner

With February just about behind us, I take heart in the notion that spring can't be that far off. Yes, I I look out my window I can see nothing but snow, both on the ground and falling from the sky. But no matter! In my house there are definite signs that spring is beginning to stir.

Mrs. Thaw, sweeping the snow away on the nature table
Seeds from Veseys in Prince Edward Island! The table they are on, by the way, was my week-end project. I dug out from the garage the butcher block top that was in my old kitchen, added legs from a discarded table, and voila! The perfect surface on which to start my seeds. The table sits in our family room, which in the spring gets the most sunlight of any room in our house. Some of these I will plant in a few weeks, keeping the faith that by May I'll have a greenhouse in which to transplant them. The rest, of course, will go directly into the garden in late May/early June.

1 comment:

Lucca ... said...

Mrs. Thaw looks a little familiar. Could it be that she's wearing your colours? Could it be that she has your hair colour? I like her arriving before spring to prepare the way. We can do with all the help we can get this year.