Sunday, August 26, 2007

Party Time

Last night Iris had a going away party. Joe, Jamie and I hid out in the master bedroom...close enough to deal with any emergencies but far away as to not put too much of a damper on things. Alan was out of town at a friend's cabin, so he missed the whole thing.

The house survived relatively unscathed. There were one or two nicks in the walls (easily fixed with a dab of paint), and every floor in the house had to be washed this morning. I discovered a piece of pizza in a bowl hidden at the very top on a wall unit. Some thoughtful soul had also left behind a bottle of essential oil called 'de-tox formula'! Hmmmm. And a photo that was missing from the wall in my diningroom was discovered, after a lengthy search, in my spice drawer. But all in all, it wasn't too bad, given that there were about 50 people here last night.

I do however now have quite a collection of purses, cell phones, hoodies and t-shirts. Kids have been coming by all day today to pick up the things they left behind. It almost feel like Halloween, given the number of times I've gone to the door to hand out their 'goodies'.

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