Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Play Ball!

This year, the junior men's world fast pitch championships are taking place in town. It's quite an event for Whitehorse...there are teams here from 12 countries. Last night Jamie and I took in some of the games. It was a lot of fun: the rain stayed away for the most part and we sat with several of Jamie's friends, so I had a chance to get to know them a bit better. They all seemed like good kids, they were all respectful to me and included me in their conversations (unlike some other teenagers I have come in contact with) and Jamie didn't seem embarrassed to be seen with his mom (again, not something that you can say for all teenagers).

We watched South Africa play New Zealand, Mexico play Denmark, and then Canada play Australia. Unfortunately Canada lost 3-1 but it was good ball.

And on a totally different topic, here's a photo of Roy and I scattering our dad's ashes. I like the way the ashes are appearing to dance...obviously dad wasn't happy being cooped up in that canister and was delighted to be free. One note about Roy's socks. He pulled them up over his pants because the fields and the woods are full of ticks this summer. I went for a walk the first day I got there and when I came back my legs were covered in them. YUCK. We never had ticks when I was growing up...guess it's just another sign of climate change.

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