Monday, June 23, 2008

What to Choose?

Ideally, we'd all like to be eating totally organic, right? The reality is that it's not always possible to do that. So I went looking to try to find out which fruits and vegetables tend to be the most contaminated (and thus the ones of which I should absolutely choose organic varieties) and those that are not as bad. Here's what I found out.

Of course the real solution for me is to grow as much of my own produce as possible, so I know exactly what's gone into the soil. But if compromises need to be made, and they almost always do, this might be a good place to start.

1 comment:

Fawn said...

How sad to see nectarines and apples at the top of the list! I don't often eat many of the least-contaminated veggies, unfortunately, though we fare better on the least-contaminated fruits. (I notice they're not strictly "scientific" in their division of fruits from veggies, though... since technically bell peppers and peas are fruits!)

Anyway, thanks for posting the list; I'll definitely try to keep it in mind when shopping. And all the more reason for buying lovely local produce at the Fireweed Market!