Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week-end Recap

I've just put Lucca on the plane and am now looking back fondly over the past several days. Today was a good ending to a great week. After a breakfast of eggs bennie (Jamie somewhat reluctantly helped; he later redeemed himself by presenting me with a pizza with the word Mom on it) we dropped Iris off at work - her first Frantic Follies rehearsal of the season - and Lucca and I went for a walk along Miles Canyon. It was a gorgeous day: so warm that I wore a sleeveless top (and I might add, a beautiful necklace that Iris gave me this morning). Lucca, not yet acclimatized, was still bundled up in one of my old jackets.
Back home, we grabbed a bit of lunch and Alan phoned from Kelowna to wish me Happy Mother's Day. It was good to hear his voice and know he had arrived that far with no problems. Then it was time to pull out the old photos of our university days and do some reminiscing. Next, a simple dinner and then it was off to pick Iris up from work and go to the airport.

Below are a few photos of the day. I'm also including a couple of photos from the dance performances. Unfortunately I don't have one of me in my flamenco costume.

Spring crocuses
A bundled up Lucca

Gnarled tree

Sheriffs in "Indestructible Sam"

Adult Jazz - "Let the Good Times Roll"

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