Sunday, June 3, 2007

Prom Pix

In spite of all my griping, the prom was actually quite nice. I am posting a few photos...none of them are great but I haven't had a chance to raid Iris' camera for better ones.

Iris with her grand march partner Jason. What a sweetheart he is. I think he really likes Iris - he showed up at the house with not only a wrist corsage but also a rose and a stuffed animal that he had designed and stuffed himself. Iris doesn't seem swayed however. The only reason Jason took her to the prom was that her boyfriend was supposed to be out of town with his work. He turned up at the last minute but by then all the prom tickets were sold out.

Another one of Jason and Iris with her friend Leah. Leah graduates next week-end from another school.

Jason and the old lady taking a few turns around the dance floor.

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