Wednesday, June 13, 2007


The wife of an old friend of mine is having her first art exhibition in Canada (she's from Mexico). I just took a look at the exhibit via the web and I am blown away by her work. It is exquisite!

I have told Peter that I am going to start a savings fund so that I might one day be able to purchase one of her pieces. Wow!!

This is one of my favourites. It's titled To Nilaya (Nilaya I believe means 'adobe in the sky', or heaven.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing. This is the piece that sold immediately at the show. Two other people told me it was their favourite. I told this to the buyer - who is a bit of a collector - and he instantly said "too late!" He knew what he liked.

The US customer also wanted this one. Too late. ;-]

Ironically LulĂș really struggled with this painting and it went through many transformations before it reached this final form.